Our Timeless Valentine's Bouquet is a sensory delight! The bouquet is bursting with colour from the use of beautiful peach roses, deep burnt orange & pink vuvuzela roses and pops of deep red from the spray rose. Accents of bright early spring colour is created with touches of yellow mimosa whilst the lavender colours coming from the clematis add a hint of softness.
For same day London deliveries please contact info@maisondefleurs.co.uk (Orders must be received pre 10am)
Delivery Information:
When We Deliver:
- Next day UK deliveries are available Tuesday to Friday and orders must be placed before 12pm. Central London deliveries are available Monday to Friday.
Delivery Policy:
- Our delivery partner will email you a delivery confirmation and provide a 2 hour delivery time slot to ensure that your bouquet can be hand delivered to you. Should you not be available for that delivery time slot, information will be sent to you as to how to arrange a redelivery. Due to the nature of the product, redelivery can only be rearranged up to 24 hours after the original time slot. Central London deliveries are managed and handled by Maison de Fleurs.